There’s something special about the light here. The crown jewel of Gloucester’s working inner harbor, Rocky Neck is home to one of the oldest continuously- operating art colonies in the United States. Known for its unique and penetrating light, artists have long been drawn to Rocky Neck. Notable visual artists who have worked here include Winslow Homer, Edward Hopper, Milton Avery, and Nell Blaine. This rich cultural tradition continues; supported by the spirited and committed Rocky Neck community, and the designation by Massachusetts as Gloucester’s Rocky Neck Cultural District.
Find out why artists from around the world are drawn to one of America’s first artist colonies. Stroll through artist galleries and studios nestled on Smith Cove. Grab lunch on the water overlooking a working fishing harbor. See a show at the critically acclaimed Gloucester Stage Company. Venues offer a calendar of special events and daytime galleries perfect for a casual visit or an overnight stay.
The mission of the Rocky Neck Cultural District is to cultivate and amplify the rich cultural history found on this unique edge of the Atlantic. Through innovative collaborations and impactful programming, partner organizations work to immerse the way of life on our unique community with arts, storytelling, maritime, and oceanography; and make those experiences available to visitors.